The Functional Skills course is perfect for those looking to create a solid foundation of Math and English knowledge that they can use in daily life and then be able to go on to further education.
Measures, shape & space - Money, Length, weight, capacity, time, area, perimeter, volume, angles, maps & scales, 2D & 3D shapes, movement & direction
Handling data - Tables, charts & graphs, pie charts, grouped data, mean & range, probability and more..................
Reading how texts present - The purpose of different texts, spotting different types of text, spotting language techniques, identifying tone & style, reading between the lines, recognising how a text is presented, working out meaning from images, comparing different texts,
Reading for detail - picking out the main points, understanding specialist words, using layouts, using punctuation
Writing: structure & planning - knowing your audience & purpose, planning answers, using paragraphs, letter & email formation, writing letters & emails
Writing using grammar: - Present, Past, future, Using tenses consistently, Using joining words, Common mistakes with verbs
Writing using correct punctuation - Punctuating sentences, using commas & apostrophes
Writing using correct spelling - Spelling tests, making plurals, adding prefixes & suffixes and more.............
Entry 1 through to Level 2. Students will also have the opportunity to sit their functional skills exams here at the centre.